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Abe River Fireworks Festival

Shizuoka city's largest fireworks festival is held every year on the last Saturday of July at Nakasu on the Abe River, which straddles Aoi ward and Suruga ward in Shizuoka city. It was held in 1955 as part of the memorial service to commemorate and repose the souls of the war dead, and to pray for recovery, and has been held for the 70th time in 2020. Approximately 15,000 fireworks of various types, including the impressive large star mine and shakudama fireworks, will decorate the night sky.

More Information

Phone number
054-221-1228 (Shizuoka City Machiha Theater Promotion Division)
054-221-7199 (Abegawa Fireworks Festival Headquarters)
Traffic Information
Public transportation : Approximately 40 minutes walk from JR Shizuoka Station or Shizutetsu Shin-Shizuoka Station

There is a shuttle bus service to the Abe River Fireworks Festival venue. Please check the website for details.